MOVIN's mission is to improve patient functional status and reduce healthcare utilization by removing barriers and facilitating culture change to support nurse-initiated patient ambulation in hospital settings.

MOVIN was developed by Barb King, PhD, APRN-BC, FAAN and Linsey Steege, PhD, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing.

Linsey Steege
Dr. Steege’s overall research goal is to improve health, safety, and performance of health professionals, and, by doing so, to benefit society by improving healthcare quality. In pursuit of this goal, Dr. Steege leads an interdisciplinary research team studying human factors and ergonomics in healthcare systems; measuring and modeling stress, fatigue, workflow, and performance of health professionals; and improving technology design and integration into healthcare systems. She also has over 10 years of experience collaborating with healthcare professionals and interdisciplinary researchers on the design and implementation of systems-based interventions to improve health professionals’ communication, teamwork, and decision-making processes in order to improve patient outcomes and quality across healthcare settings.
Barb King
Dr. King’s research is dedicated to creating sustainable and scalable practice change to promote patient safety for hospitalized older adults. Her efforts include identifying systemic barriers that prevent nurses from delivering the best care to older patients and developing realistic solutions that enable healthcare systems to remove or overcome those barriers. Her experience as a geriatric nurse practitioner has provided her with a unique and valuable perspective as a researcher, teacher, and mentor. Her work to optimize nursing care of hospitalized older adults was recognized with a 2017 John A. Hartford Foundation Award.
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Additional Media
- 2019 King B. “Hospital Alarms Prove a Noisy Misery for Patients: ‘I feel Like I’m in Jail’”. The Washington Post, November 24.
- 2019 King B. “Should You Help a Patient Regain Mobility-or Protect Them from Falls? Sometimes, it’s a Tough Choice, Advisory Board.com, October 15.
- 2019 King B. “Fear of Falling: How Hospitals Do Even More Harm by Keeping Patients in Bed”, Medscape.com, October 17.
- 2019 King B. “Overzealous in Preventing Falls, Hospitals are Producing an ’Epidemic of Immobility’ in elderly Patients, Washington Post, October 13.
- 2019 King B. “Fear of Falling: How Hospitals Do Even More Harm by Keeping Patients in Bed”, Kaiser Health News, October 19
- 2017 King B. “Hospital Fall-Prevention Policies May Stress Nurses, Harm Patients”. Managed Health Care Connect. January 23.
- 2017 King B. “Hospital Fall-Prevention Policies May Stress Nurses, Harm Patients”. Medscape Nurses. January 23.
- 2017 King B. “Hospital Fall-Prevention Policies May Stress Nurses, Harm Patients, Reuters
- Health”. January 16.
- 2016 King B., Steege, L. “Enabling Older Adults to Be Independent” Interview, aired on HealthCetera by Diana Mason, New York, December 29.
- 2016 King B., Steege L. “Getting Patients Walking”. Interview, “Wake Up Wisconsin”, Channel 27 News, Madison, Wisconsin, December 14.
- 2016 King, B. “Too Mobilize or Not? Voice of the Nurse”. Health Research Educational Trust/ Hospital Improvement Innovation Network Falls Webinar: Teaming up to jump the gap in falls. December 3.
- 2016 King, B., Steege, L. “Nurses Keep Hospital Patients Moving with Help from UW Researchers”. Inside UW-Madison, December. Available at: http://insideuw.wisc.edu/december-1-2016/
- 2014 King, B. “Don’t Let Older Adults Lay in Bed or Only Get Up to a Chair During Their Hospital Stay”. (2014). Choosing Wisely, American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel on Aging contribution to the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation Initiative. Available at: http://www.aannet.org/choosing-wisely.
- 2013 King, B., Bowers, B. “Attributing the Responsibility for Ambulation Patients: A Qualitative Study”. Featured on MDLinx.com. October.
- 2013 King, B., Yoon, J., Pecanac, K., Brown, R., Mahoney, J. “Frequency and Duration of Nursing Care Related to Older Patient Mobility. Featured on MDLinx.com. October.
- 2013 King, B., Gilmore-Bykovskyi, A., Roiland, R., Polnaszek, B., Bowers, B. Kind, A. “Care Delivery Consequences of Poor Quality Hospital-to-Skilled Nursing Facility Transitions: 9 A Qualitative Study”. GeriPal blog post by Ken Covinsky, MD. GeriPal is sponsored by the American Geriatric Society. August.
- 2013 King, B. “What Role Do Nurses Play in Patient Independence”. Interview, aired on Sound Medicine, sponsored by the Indiana University School of Medicine. August. Local: 2016 King B., Steege L. “Getting Patients Walking”. Interview, “Wake Up Wisconsin”, Channel 27 News, Madison, Wisconsin, December 14.

MOVIN Support
MOVIN is supported by the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program, the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), grant 1UL1TR002373, through the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, University of Wisconsin – Madison and The Wisconsin Partnership Program.